The parts categories shown here are just as they are in the Studebaker Avanti Parts manual. You may also use the search box, at the top right, to enter in parts numbers, illustration numbers or parts phrasing. For example, you can type in brake shoes, or brakes. If you're not sure of the proper terminology, less is more, try searching for brakes, rather than brake shoes.
We've added cross reference and new/old part numbers and illustration numbers in the hopes of making this as user friendly as possible. Don't see what you're looking for, we're available by phone, Monday - Thursday 10;00 am - 5;00 pm est. Have questions outside of our normal business hours? Feel free to send us an email
We've added cross reference and new/old part numbers and illustration numbers in the hopes of making this as user friendly as possible. Don't see what you're looking for, we're available by phone, Monday - Thursday 10;00 am - 5;00 pm est. Have questions outside of our normal business hours? Feel free to send us an email